A pseudo-atomic decomposition of density matrices in solids, via a cluster approach. Application to combined real and momentum space scattering experiments (P.J. Becker, France) Topics
- Charge, spin and momentum densities are connected through the 1-particle reduced density matrix (1RDM).
- A cluster decomposition of the 1RDM : a peudo-atomic expansion.
- Validity of the cluster partitioning : ionic and covalent solids.
- Combined Bragg / Compton refinement. A new approach. Possible generalisations.
- Correlation effects in ionic solids, from combined Bragg / Compton scattering. A success for the cluster partitioning method.
- Ice Ih. Hydrogen bonding usingt standard and cluster approaches.
- Potential applications of the cluster partitioning decomposition : disordered solids, phase transitions, surface effects.... A nanoparticle approach to complex systems, including pharmaceuticals.
- Illustration by students.